Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Episode 2: social media mindsets for growth

In this episode, we're exploring two key elements to serve as guardrails to keep your perspective and your content in check when it comes to social media. We're also diving into the three steps that your social media should go through to turn content into conversion for your followers. Whether you're on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn, these ideas and mindsets will have you viewing social media for the engaging community tool it should be.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Episode 1: A different approach to those yearly goals

In this episode, we're breaking down your yearly goals in a new way. First we're taking stock of the wins, successes and highlights of this year before we tackle the next. I'll teach you how to take inventory of the most important areas of your life so that you can set goals that really matter to you. Then, I'll share with you my no-fail approach to ensuring these goals get action and attention all year long.

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Blog Post Christie Browning Blog Post Christie Browning

Why we work by referral

When you need to find great service, you feel more comfortable when you get a referral from someone who you know and trust. As a marketing company that works by referral, we know that level of trust is especially important when it comes to marketing your business online, in print and in person.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Why content matters most

You may or may not enjoy sitting down to create content, but for businesses today, it is a must! In this episode, I am sharing some ideas on reports, white papers and blog articles you can create to position yourself as an expert in the market place.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Playing the SEO game

SEO is a hot-button topic. Ever since Google started opening its platform for ads, keywords, and other search parameters, businesses have been chasing after the top listing relative to their industries. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) seems to be cloaked in mystery.

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Blog Post Christie Browning Blog Post Christie Browning

Beating the SEO game

SEO is a hot-button topic. Ever since Google started opening its platform for ads, keywords, and other search parameters, businesses have been chasing after the top listing relative to their industries. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) seems to be cloaked in mystery. Google’s ever-changing algorithm leaves businesses frustrated in trying to manufacture ways to stay caught up in the game.

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Blog Post Christie Browning Blog Post Christie Browning

Auditing your business for success

When was the last time you audited your business? No, I'm not talking about tax or financial audits, I'm talking about business aspects such as goals, clients, time and referrals. Brought to you by www.contentbyrequest.com

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Determining your online brand

Did you know that online branding is a "thing?" And we're not just talking about social media... nor are we just talking about logos and color choices. This is the whole experience, the whole vibe and culture you are creating with your audience as they encounter your digital presence.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Facing a recession? Here's some marketing musts

I am not an economist, so when people start throwing words around like "recession" and "economic downturn," I get a little antsy. But putting my head in the sand isn't going to prevent it from happening and it sure won't help me weather the storm.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

10 steps to build your marketing plan

If a marketing plan is so vital to the success of your marketing efforts, then how the heck do we create one of these plans? I am so glad you asked! This episode is dedicated to helping you do just that. We'll share 10 questions you should answer... and the answers will be the building blocks of your marketing plan.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Marketing mindsets you should tap into

It doesn't take much for me to get on my soapbox when it comes to business strategy and marketing. But I really get lathered up when I see well-meaning business owners and leaders get gobbled up by marketing "professionals" that just want to sell them a "tool." In this episode, I am sharing some of our very own marketing mindsets and methodologies that we use in our business as well as with our clients.

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Podcast Christie Browning Podcast Christie Browning

Testing the latest marketing trends

There are a ton of ideas and things you could do when it comes to your marketing. But... not all things suit or fit your business, your goals or your audience. So, how do you begin to test the latest marketing trends and ideas?

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