10 steps to build your marketing plan
If a marketing plan is so vital to the success of your marketing efforts, then how the heck do we create one of these plans? I am so glad you asked! This episode is dedicated to helping you do just that. We'll share 10 questions you should answer... and the answers will be the building blocks of your marketing plan.
Marketing mindsets you should tap into
It doesn't take much for me to get on my soapbox when it comes to business strategy and marketing. But I really get lathered up when I see well-meaning business owners and leaders get gobbled up by marketing "professionals" that just want to sell them a "tool." In this episode, I am sharing some of our very own marketing mindsets and methodologies that we use in our business as well as with our clients.
Testing the latest marketing trends
There are a ton of ideas and things you could do when it comes to your marketing. But... not all things suit or fit your business, your goals or your audience. So, how do you begin to test the latest marketing trends and ideas? How can you avoid getting overwhelmed by all the marketing options?
Policies & procedures for your marketing
This episode has it all --- laughter, wisdom, thought-provoking conversation. How is such an episode possible? Well, it's all because of my special guest, Heather Lytle, owner of Lytle Communications. Heather and I have a chat about what policies and procedures are important when it comes to your marketing. I know! It doesn't feel as if these two things go together, but believe me... they do!
Why you’re never too busy for marketing
In this episode, I am offering a few mindsets around this idea of being too busy to market. And I hope you find some encouragement to keep going while digging in for inspiration to refuel your creativity.
The 'what,' 'why,' and 'who' of this show
Well, it's our first episode... so we gotta take a moment and introduce ourselves. Better yet, we have to start by telling you why you should be listening at all!