Marketing mindsets you should tap into

It doesn't take much for me to get on my soapbox when it comes to business strategy and marketing. But I really get lathered up when I see well-meaning business owners and leaders get gobbled up by marketing "professionals" that just want to sell them a "tool." In this episode, I am sharing some of our very own marketing mindsets and methodologies that we use in our business as well as with our clients. These ideals create a different approach to marketing that is tried and true. Additionally, I am sharing the two marketing visuals that help us dial in the marketing focus for our clients. 

If you're taking notes, you'll want to jot these things down:

The Marketing Triangle is all about your marketing efforts online, in print and in person.

The Messaging Triangle is all about your marketing message around awareness, growth or exposure.

Be sure to check out our Ultimate Marketing Playbook - an online course designed to teach you some of our most tactical marketing tools so you can feel empowered in your marketing. You can find it at

Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.

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