Christie Browning Christie Browning

2 critical marketing mistakes

You might be making these two critical marketing mistakes. Either counting on just one marketing tool to promote and grow your business or the other mistake… using ALL the tools. Not all marketing options are created equal and not all options are the best options for you. But choosing the ‘all-or-nothing’ plan is not working for anyone.

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Christie Browning Christie Browning

Debunking the myths of website platforms

Wordpress. Wix. Weebly. GoDaddy. Squarespace. These are just a few “platforms” that are allowing a more simplified approach to web design. And while there are some companies who need to have a completely custom-built site, platforms are allowing a quicker, most cost-effective way to create your very own corner of the internet. These platforms offer the best of both worlds…. a do-it-yourself site design utilizing one of the preformed templates, and you have the option to tap into a designer who can take the platform and custom create a site for you, again… at a fraction of the cost and time.

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Christie Browning Christie Browning

Using your website for online courses

There’s no question about it…. you know things. You’re an expert in your field and have knowledge and know-how that’s valuable in your marketplace. If knowledge is power, then the ability to create and sell online courses is a superpower. Here’s a few perks to having an online course:

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Christie Browning Christie Browning

What season is your marketing in?

You may be looking forward to an awesome summer vacation or making plans to lounge by the pool. No matter your plans, your marketing plan might need a bit of tweaking for the season. When the seasons change, so do our habits - and the habits of your audience is changing, too!

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Marketing Christie Browning Marketing Christie Browning

Making relationships part of your biz plan

As a business owner, you might know that relationships are a critical part of your bottom line, but what if relationships were more than that. Let's dive into relationships as part of your marketing plan: loyalty, referrals, resources, and more!

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Marketing Christie Browning Marketing Christie Browning

How to maximize your marketing plans

Any business owner or nonprofit director knows marketing is important. We know it’s so important, but we don’t always know how to maximize our efforts. Let’s face it… you’re already wearing a lot of hats, and while marketing might be one of them, you might be missing some of the nuances. Let’s dive into some of the elements you may want to consider…

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Blogs, Writing Christie Browning Blogs, Writing Christie Browning

Is blogging still a ‘thing?’

It’s probably a fair assumption that in our go-go-instantaneous-carryout-curbside lifestyle, videos serve us better than pausing to read an online article or blog post. But I think you’ll be surprised that the data points to a trend that blogging is still alive and well. (That makes my writer heart happy!) According to, the number of blogs published in the US is still growing by the day, reaching 31.7 million blogs by the end of 2019. So blogging isn’t dead, but it is different.

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Website Design Christie Browning Website Design Christie Browning

5 questions to ask your web designer

Now imagine you need a website… or want to refresh the one you’ve got. You see other sites you like, determine how you would like your site to operate and function, and maybe you’ve even got a few ideas on some design elements. Just like building a house, you’ve decided to turn to a professional to help you build this project. That’s when the parallels come to an end. To often, web design clients simply ask, “how much” and “when will this be completed?” However, there are some other critical questions to ask. Here’s a few to consider:

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Marketing, Content Creation Christie Browning Marketing, Content Creation Christie Browning

7 ways to repurpose your content

No one has time to crank out content for content’s sake. It’s time for us to work smarter not harder! How about repurposing that latest article or press release into a whole slew of content ideas? Why repurpose, you ask? Well, it’s simple. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel (or sentence) every time we sit down to write copy for our social media, blog post, email newsletter, etc. Repurposing helps you get the most bang for your content buck.

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Email Marketing Christie Browning Email Marketing Christie Browning

5 myths about email marketing

If you are a pro at email marketing, your emails may be getting dull due to a lack of experimentation or inspiration. Maybe you’re aware that it’s time to switch up your email marketing, but it can still be hard to know where to begin. Knowing these myths before you start your next email campaign can help you improve the effectiveness of your emails.

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Christie Browning Christie Browning

Email marketing: The proof is in the data

There are a lot of ways you could choose to market your business digitally. From social media ads to social media influencers, digital marketing has become a varied industry. But in the quest to find the latest and greatest way to reach through the internet and communicate with your audience, don’t dismiss one of the oldest, but most effective, ways to engage your audience - email.

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Business, marketing Christie Browning Business, marketing Christie Browning

Does your website need a refresh?

Potential customers are likely to look for your brand or products and services online. A strong online presence is key in attracting customers, building brand loyalty, and driving revenue. However, if your website isn’t working properly or doesn’t clearly represent you, your brand, or your company, you might be losing your potential audience.

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Digital Marketing Christie Browning Digital Marketing Christie Browning

Speaking your digital marketing language

It’s one thing to get social media planned and posted to your platforms, but it’s a whole other challenge to write the words that make the difference with your followers. Let’s face it… social media is extremely saturated with all sorts of information, quizzes, memes, polls and the like. So how can you not get lost in the noise? Here’s some idea that can help you speak the digital marketing language that resonates with your audience best.

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Writing, Copy Writing Christie Browning Writing, Copy Writing Christie Browning

10 simple ideas that will improve your writing

Do you remember that ol’ saying “power is in the pen?” Nowadays it’s more like the keyboard, but there’s power no less. With a well-written piece, you can engage ideal clients and customers to keep reading copy that then leads them to a logical call to action… the goal! But editing is key, so let’s go over a couple of editing points:

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