Does your website need a refresh?
Potential customers are likely to look for your brand or products and services online. A strong online presence is key in attracting customers, building brand loyalty, and driving revenue. However, if your website isn’t working properly or doesn’t clearly represent you, your brand, or your company, you might be losing your potential audience.
Speaking your digital marketing language
It’s one thing to get social media planned and posted to your platforms, but it’s a whole other challenge to write the words that make the difference with your followers. Let’s face it… social media is extremely saturated with all sorts of information, quizzes, memes, polls and the like. So how can you not get lost in the noise? Here’s some idea that can help you speak the digital marketing language that resonates with your audience best.
Polishing the look of your digital marketing
Last week we spent some time talking about the language of your digital marketing. Today I want to share some thoughts on polishing the look of your digital marketing. Let’s start by chatting about a few elements you might want to keep in mind when it comes to the look of your digital marketing:
10 simple ideas that will improve your writing
Do you remember that ol’ saying “power is in the pen?” Nowadays it’s more like the keyboard, but there’s power no less. With a well-written piece, you can engage ideal clients and customers to keep reading copy that then leads them to a logical call to action… the goal! But editing is key, so let’s go over a couple of editing points:
Why you’re never too busy for marketing
In this episode, I am offering a few mindsets around this idea of being too busy to market. And I hope you find some encouragement to keep going while digging in for inspiration to refuel your creativity.
The 'what,' 'why,' and 'who' of this show
Well, it's our first episode... so we gotta take a moment and introduce ourselves. Better yet, we have to start by telling you why you should be listening at all!