Policies & procedures for your marketing

featuring Heather Lytle

This episode has it all --- laughter, wisdom, thought-provoking conversation. How is such an episode possible? Well, it's all because of my special guest, Heather Lytle, owner of Lytle Communications. Heather and I have a chat about what policies and procedures are important when it comes to your marketing. I know! It doesn't feel as if these two things go together, but believe me... they do!

Be sure you take a moment to visit Heather's website - http://www.lytlecommunications.com/

Follow her on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lytlecommunications/

Follow her on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-lytle-18038b78/

PS... you HAVE to follow her on TikTok and YouTube for some amazing video content -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxEh6DUImM_ZhNZuZuT43Qw

About Heather

Heather's goal is to help organizations fight against risks, fraud, communication breakdowns, and toxicity.  She is equally passionate about making sure your organization feels nurtured, heard, and has the ability to continue its greatness after 'her' work is done. Lytle Communications is here for you, in the end, they're celebrating victories... together. Heather is committed to providing custom policies and procedures to invoke greatness for every organization she encounters.

Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.


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