Episode 1: A different approach to those yearly goals
In this episode, we're breaking down your yearly goals in a new way.
First we're taking stock of the wins, successes and highlights of this year before we tackle the next.
What were the wins for each month of 2024
Who played a part in those wins? Take time to thank them
I'll teach you how to take inventory of the most important areas of your life so that you can set goals that really matter to you.
5 areas of life include: finances, relationships, business/career, physical wellbeing, personal wellbeing
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate each area as it is today? On the same scale, where do you want this area to end up at the end of the year?
Then, I'll share with you my no-fail approach to ensuring these goals get action and attention all year long.
Set goals based on your evaluation exercise. Look for areas that scored low for this year, but high for next year. That means you want to see improvement in this area.
What would it take to move the needle in this area? That is the start to your goal.
Create time each quarter to evaluate your goal progress and determine what needs to change and what actions you need to take to stay on track.
The action steps you’ve identified can be tracked monthly, weekly or daily.
Mentioned in this post:
The 90 Day Year by Brian Moran
Marketing Roadmap Membership
Hosted by Christie Browning, owner of Content By Request