Top blogging topics you should be writing


Last week I shared some reasons why blogging should be part of your marketing plan. This week I am sharing a handful of blogging topics that are a must if you're jumping into blogging. These topics are timeless and more importantly, popular among most audiences.

  1. How to save money or save time - if you have some hacks, tips or tricks that help your audience save their time or their money… this is a great blog topic. It’s one that folks will read and share among their friends.

  2. How-to guides - What do you know how to do that you can teach someone else? This doesn’t have to be a cooking how-to or a woodworking topic. Think about your industry… you can offer a how-to guide, a step-by-step approach to an area of your expertise. Maybe you’re an insurance agent who can offer a how-to guide to catalog important personal property should their be a disaster. Or you’re a health coach who can offer a how-to guide for better sleep. A photographer that can offer a how-to guide on preparing for a photo shoot. The list goes on and on!

  3. Comparison blogs - remember the Pepsi vs. Coke challenge — a great example of comparison! You can do the same thing in your blog. What are a few items you can compare? Maybe you’re an attorney and can compare a Will and a Trust. Or maybe you own a boutique and can compare leggings vs. skinny jeans. Get creative! This can be a fun blog option.

  4. Share an inspirational story - especially if it’s about a client or someone you serve. This is a fantastic blog post idea for nonprofits! Share a spotlight on a volunteer story, a success story from someone you serve or a “where are they now” type of post. I saw an area pet shelter do this and solicited their past pet adopters to send in photos and short stories… it was blogging magic! Regardless of who you are or who you serve, everyone loves a good story!

  5. Share your opinion - give your opinion to something related to your industry or closely paralleled to it. I know a great business owner who coaches real estate agents. Each year he offers a forecast for the market ahead and it is always one of the most popular posts all year. Maybe you give your opinion on an industry change or something in your community that impacts your audience. Be careful to not get to political… those posts can bring drama you aren’t looking for.

  6. Case studies - this is a fantastic way to teach your audience. Tell a story and offer details (within reason) about their pain point, the solution and the result. This is very close to the inspirational post, however in a case study you are more focused on the pain, solution and results rather than the feel-good story.

  7. Round up blog - if you have a product-based business this post topic is a MUST! Pull together your seasonal wares and do a what’s hot for the season post. Pull together customer favorites, most popular buy, most requested, etc. This works for just about any one, but I love it for product based business!

  8. Give ‘em a cheat sheet - Yep… a cheat sheet to get to the end result faster. Maybe it’s a cheat sheet to help them organize their pantry or their closet. A cheat sheet to organize their most important information and papers should something happen to them. A cheat sheet to help them pack their house and move. You get the idea… cheat sheets, checklists and the like are always popular.

  9. FAQs - No doubt you get a lot of questions and probably get the same ones over and over. Formulate that into a blog post such as The Top 10 Questions…. you could have a lot of fun with this and a topic you could do over and over.

If you are running out of ideas for your blog, just say so in the comments! We’d love to brainstorm ideas to help get the blog train moving again!

Christie Browning

Christie is a five-time HSPA award-winning writer with a long resume of creative, compelling writing. Her background includes journalism and marketing, which allows her to bring a specialized voice to the pieces created for her clients. On her own, Christie has written for newspapers, online magazines and major publications. For her clients, Christie produces web designs, press and media releases, blog articles, downloadable worksheets and flyers as well as social media content. Her long-time career as an entrepreneur gives her unique insight into what her clients need to promote their products, services and messages.

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Why blogging should be part of your plan